Celebrating LPBLT’s seventh nature reserve

(Port Rowan, Ontario.) The acquisition of the 26-acre woodland property is complete! This vital piece of Carolinian forest is now protected forever. We would like to thank the many individuals who supported the campaign and helped us leverage the funds needed to secure LPBLT’s seventh nature reserve.

This newest nature reserve has been named the Al (Pic) and Pat Robinson Nature Reserve. The Board of the Long Point Basin Land Trust is thrilled to have the opportunity to recognize Al (Pic) and Pat Robinson for the support that they have given to conservation in Norfolk County. For many years The Lynn Valley Trail, Norfolk Field Naturalists, Nature Conservancy of Canada and Long Point Basin Land Trust (LPBLT) have all been recipients of their generosity as well as their hands on help. Al (Pic) is a founding member of the Long Point Basin Land Trust, serving on the board and executive since 1996, including serving as Treasurer and Vice President for many years. Al has always been willing to pitch in with any project whether it be tree planting, sign installation, cleaning up litter, or setting out chairs for an event. He has a deep appreciation of Norfolk’s natural areas and rarely misses an opportunity to visit these areas.

“The Al (Pic) and Pat Robinson Nature Reserve is a vitally important natural area and an important refuge for a number of species at risk,” noted Mary Gartshore, Chair of the Land Trust’s Stewardship Committee. “Endangered Eastern Flowering Dogwoods and Threatened Cerulean Warbler can be found here, as well as Black Gum and Tulip Tree.”

On Saturday, May 13th, over 30 people joined LPBLT in celebrating the new nature reserve and recognizing Al (Pic) and Pat Robinson.
