Reptile Diversity
The Long Point Basin area has 19 different snake and turtle species! Learn about some of the basic biology and how to identify these species. Next time you spot one, you can identify it and report it using our online form or calling our toll free number: 1-844-755-9498!
Creating and Improving Reptile Habitat
Habitat loss and degradation are among the greatest threats to native wildlife. Long Point Basin Land Trust’s nature reserves help protect vitally important habitats, but there are many things that private landowners and partner conservation groups can do to help also. These factsheets about reptile habitat creation illustrate some of the many ways people can help protect and recover species at risk populations. Click the links to open pdf files of the factsheets (print versions not available).
Tips for gardeners to help reptiles
How to create a snake hibernaculum
How to create a snake nesting structure