Quick Facts
Size: 14 acres
Protected Since: May 6, 2011
Donors: Cecilia and Joe Kiss from the estate of Cecilia’s late father, Louis Woytas
Maintained Trails: No
Hunting: No
Habitats: Hemlock and Hardwood Ravine Forest, Wetland and Oxbow Pond
Note: Access is through the Delhi Cemetery (205 Swimming Pool Road, Norfolk County, ON). Drive through the cemetery to the back-left corner and there is a small parking area.
Delhi Wetland Nature Reserve
Additional Information
The donation of this ecologically significant property demonstrates the importance of long-term stewardship of natural areas by private landowners. Long Point Basin Land Trust is grateful to the Kiss and Woytas families for entrusting us with their legacy.
Nestled in a deep valley alongside Big Creek north of Delhi, the property is as diverse ecologically as it is varied topographically. Despite its relatively small size, the property includes a wide range of habitat types including: mature hemlock and hardwood forests on the ravine slopes and a cedar-fringed oxbow pond at the property’s lowest elevation.
Although the property is small, its contribution to enhancing forest cover and water retention in the Big Creek Valley is significant.