Quick Facts
Size: 66 acres
Protected Since: April 29, 2021
Donor: Wallace Hammond
Maintained Trails: Coming Soon!
Hunting: No
Habitats: Swamp Forest and Mixed Forest
Address: 1668 Highway 6, Port Dover, ON
Hammond Hemlock Slough Reserve

Additional Information
Hammond Hemlock Slough Reserve was donated in memory of George Hammond Jr (1862-1938) who acquired the woodlot around the turn of the century, Lieutenant H. Lloyd Hammond (1895-1918) who gave his life in the First World War, and Flying Officer Douglas W. Hammond (1921-1944) who gave his life in the Second World War. This woodlot will be managed as a lasting memorial to the Hammond Family of Woodhouse Township.
With a complex topography of rich wetland sloughs and mixed forest on upland ridges, the property is unique among the properties conserved by Long Point Basin Land Trust. This nature reserve is quite diverse for a site that is almost entirely treed. The extensive network of pools surrounded by intact forest provides ideal habitat for a diversity of amphibians, birds and other wildlife.