Quick Facts

Size: 50 acres
Protected Since: July 31, 2018
Donor: Ken Stead
Maintained Trails: No
Hunting: Yes
Habitats: Oak Savanna and Oak Woodland


Stead Family Scientific Reserve

Additional Information

Stead Family Scientific Reserve was named after Ken Stead to honour his family and to signify that the property is recognized and managed as a scientific reserve allowing research.

The site previously contained five fields that were used for agriculture before being purchased by the Stead Family. The fields on the property were reforested with a mix of species native to the area with a focus on recovering the black oak savanna habitat that had historically dominated the area. This ecosystem continued to grow and flourish while under the care of the Stead family as a nature reserve.

The donation of the property enables Long Point Basin Land Trust to protect a piece of land that provides habitat for many avian and terrestrial species.