The Long Point Land Trust has produced a number of videos to highlight our work helping wildlife and wild areas in the region and to help local citizens understand how they can help too.  Enjoy!

Our reserves

The Land Trust’s five nature reserves are helping wildlife across the region.

Helping Reptiles Series

Pile it on for snakes

Keep an eye out for reptiles

Build a simple snake nesting box

Make your pond turtle friendly

How the Land Trust helps endangered reptiles

The Long Point Land Trust has now completed more than 70 habitat enhancement projects, from nest boxes and hibernacula for snakes to nesting mounds for turtles.

How our Conserving Carolinian Reptiles project and nature reserves are helping endangered reptiles

Building a hibernaculum (over-wintering site for snakes)

Reptile fencing at Long Point Provincial Park

Our friends at the Sticky Tongue project have documented a joint project between the Land Trust and Ontario Parks to keep reptiles off a busy roadway in Long Point Provincial Park.

Helping other wildlife

Bats across eastern North America are being devastated by disease that disrupts hibernation.

Helping endangered bats