Quick Facts

Size: 102.3-acre
Protected Since: August, 2024
Donors: Alton Family
Maintained Trails: No
Hunting: No
Habitats: Forest and cold-water trout stream


Additional Information

The 102.3-acre Alton Family Nature Reserve features a 48.8-acre Provincially Significant Wetland, a cold-water trout stream known as Clear Creek, forest and small farm fields.

Bordering the Land Trust’s Jackson-Gunn Old Growth Forest, it enhances habitat connectivity in the Long Point Walsingham Forest Priority Place, an area that supports one of the highest densities of rare and endangered species in Canada.

Restoration plans include removing invasive species and planting native vegetation to expand a Carolinian forest, and further buffer the Clear Creek corridor.

This reserve honours the Alton family’s long-standing commitment to preserving habitats and protecting biodiversity for future generations.